Sunday, October 9, 2011

Peoria First church of the Nazarene

Well, another Sunday and another wonderful church service.  It amazes us that if you proclaim your brother/sisterhood to family even across the country, they will recieve you as one of their true own.  This Sunday we stepped into our Sunday School class and it is funny more times then not we are ushered into the older adult class, well this time it was great!!!! This one lady, I am sorry I don't know her name but if anyone in that class reads this blogs, they will know that she is the lady that showed us to a seat in the sanctuary and then helped us with our  little "blessing".  She was one of the sweetest ladies we have met on our tirp, she was I am guessing around 85 years old and just as cute as she could be.  The congregation was doing things alittle different this morning because immediatly after the service they were having a memorial service.  They had communion and then the service.  The pastor was talking about how we tend to live our lives in 4 catagories.  I am sorry I don't have my notes with me tonight as I write this but it was we are either in a crisis or traveling thru a non-crisis.  But the main point for me was how we react to the situation.  Do we allow God to control the crisis or do we try to control it and then when it is really bad then turn it over to God.  We tend to allow "life" decide what the reaction is.  It was only part one of the sermon because of the memorial service but it was a really good part.  Well because of that we only got a pic of the sign.  Again God, blessed us with meeting everyone in our class and the service was great!!!
God bless your church and all that enter your doors.  We had a great visit.
James and TJ

Peoria Zoo

Well James and I took a morning and visited the Peoria makes us feel at home considering we act like animals sometimes.....hahahahah  Anyway, we had a great time and I know the pics look like the animals are a long way away but really it is the camera.  The lion when you see him he was really about 12 inches away from me with only a glass seperating us. The tigers were about 3 feet.  It was a great zoo, we recomend it!!! The wood walkway goes around the big enclosure and you are above animals and it is really beautiful. We had a great time.
Well God bless and keep you
James and TJ