Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Not to busy...

Well I am happy to say that someone noticed that I hadn't blogged in a  while....I am so happy that someone noticed....hahahah

Well we have been in Denver, Pa for the last couple weeks at the same job.  We have got to sleep in the same bed for almost 2 weeks!!!!!!  James and I always call the hotel that we are staying at, "Home" cause we want to feel like we are just out to another day of work.  That makes us feel like we are just around the corner from our friends and family.  Well anyway, we are going to be leaving here on Thursday and heading to a couple more places in PA then we are off to Maryland.  We have been told we are going to be heading to Maine soon.  James is hoping that it is after the 20th (spring).  I just want to go I always wanted to go to Maine.  I am going to do some snooping around and see if we can spot some lighthouses and maybe a whale or 20!!!!.  Well we have gone to the same church two Sundays in a row.  That was nice.  Here are a couple of pics from the church and there was this kid there that I thought looked alot like Zac Efron.  His real name is Andrew and he was really a nice kid.  He is heading to Ireland for a choir tour.  He was all excited.  We hit the mall several times, we got our eyes checked and I actually got fitted for contacts.  Yep, I took the plunge.  I have worn them for a few days but I can see better with my glasses, I will keep them for those days that I really don't want to wear glasses but I would guess that will not be that often.  Well I think that is about it for now.  Sorry we have been so boring for the last couple of weeks but it has been nice for us to have some down time.  We went to several flea market/antique shops and we have just enjoyed the down time.   Our hotel is about 1/2 mile away from the job so that has been nice.  Even though the hours have been crazy.  Well, I guess you are all caught up.  We are hoping to be on vacation in July, we are hoping to be in Kentucky for the family reunion then over to Oklahoma to visit the other side of the family and friends.  Well we miss you all no matter if you are family, friends, church people or however you know us.  Believe me I have a long list on my prayer list....

1 comment:

  1. love the hair and the contacts!!
    And thank you for all your prayers for us.
    Continued prayers for you 2 as well
    love ya sis
