Sunday, October 14, 2012

Illinois-Peoria, Wenona, El Paso

We are in the upper part of Illinois, and it is just like Ohio, flat, windy and you can go site seeing but you will only see, one of 3 things: 1) corn fields, standing 2) Corn fields, cut 3) corn fields plowed.  Yep not alot of choices especially if you are not into corn fields....hahahah Lucky for us we love them!  Anyway I put all three of these towns together because they are pretty small and we didn't stay long in any of them.  PS: some have pics most do not.
Peoria: First Baptist Church of Peoria, it was massive and beautiful.  The building was wonderful, I would have loved to have directed a choir in that place.  Ya know I really miss the choirs that I use to direct.  Anyway, this Sunday they had a guest violinist, he was wonderful don't ask me his name because he was Nicaragua and couldn't pronounce or spell it anyway.  But he was Good! I have had a lot of trouble with video on this blog but I will try again.

So next is Wenona, that is where the hotel is and it is very nice.  We are enjoying getting out of the is it windy here....  No pic... its a hotel????
Anyway then this Sunday we got dressed and headed to church.  The El Paso Church of the Nazarene in El Paso, Il.  This is a really small church and they are wonderful bunch of people.  The pastor is  Amy and she is just the cutest thing... She is the Sunday School teacher and they are working on a video series that was really cool.  James and I was really surprised when these 3 people got up and started to play.  This was a father daughter and another man that we didn't get to meet but he was the drummer.  The father played lead guitar and the daughter the bass.  It was WONDERFUL!!!!  They were so upbeat and happy to be praising the Lord.  This is a little church that could.... they were very refreshing to listen to.  I will try again to upload a quick video of them.  I did get to grab a quick photo of pastor Amy.

Sorry I can't get the video to work..... take me at my word.... they were really inspiring.
James and TJ

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