Sunday, June 29, 2014

Carter Family Reunion

Well still not able to upload a picture so I will still just have to describe the Carter Reunion in my own words....
James' family is a lot like the Watts', we eat, we visit, we eat, we play games, we eat, we play horseshoes...ya get the picture.
We all met at Jason and Toni Turner's house where uncle Roy has his fishing lure shop.  Before I forget, let me say....Jason and Toni, I love you guys but you had to be NUTS to have this group there....hahahah  They were great, and I believe that God allowed us to meet up with them, just to make new friends and that is what we did.  Again thank you very much for keeping us, your whole family was wonderful.  Justin and Jaylynn, you guys were to.
 The Carters unloaded on that Saturday, I would love to list them all but I would probably miss someone, but I think there were about 55 people there.  It was great.  We did get some good pictures and hopefully I will be able to upload them soon.  All of James' immediate family was there.  Justin took people on horse drawn buggy rides with BROCK!!!!, I LOVE BROCK... he is a black clysdale and he is huge and beautiful.  I would have stayed in the pasture all weekend if I could.  Even mom got in on the wagon rides.  Jason and the family had pulled a huge flatbed trailer into the yard and that was our table.  Peg and June fried fish that had been caught by Ronnie and Roy and it looked really really good.  We had enough food to feed an army.  Lucky for us we had one.  The kids played and I even got to check out all the animals.  We had babies of; lama's, rabbits, cats and I'm not sure what else.  We all talked and visited and had a great time.  It had been 2 years since James and I had been home so it was nice to be able to visit them all in one place.  James and I recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and it was nice to get to spend it with the Carters.  I thank the Lord for all his family.  We also had a little time between jobs to visit Grandma Kirkland in the nursing home.  We enjoyed being able to take his parents out to lunch not once but two times... and did a little flea marketing.  We also got to help out a little and I do mean a Big Daddys Lure shop.  I can not explain to you how much I have learned.  I know the difference between a large hammered spinner tail and a fishing pole....yep and ladies that is not an easy thing to accomplish....hahah
Again, Jason and Toni...your the best thanks again for letting us squat at your place and for hosting the reunion.
Carter's we loved seeing you all and hope that God allows us another time together soon.
Thanks to all for the was great.

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