Sunday, August 3, 2014

Carter Family Reunion 2014

Here are a couple of pics from the Carter family reunion 2014, we took alot more pics maybe I will post some others later.  If there are some you want me to post please let me know.  If any of James' family that got a copy of the whole group, I would love to have that I didn't get a copy of it.  We had a great time, again lots of food and family and visiting, we appreciated all the time we got to spend with the family this time.

There is my family at the 2014 reunion at Tracy's house on the 4th of July.  We had a great time, it reminds us that we have to visit while we can because we can look at this photo and count so many that are not pictured this year, because the Good Lord has called them home.  We get together for 3 days and have a great time.  Most families have a hard time spending the afternoon together but for the Watts', we all get along really well and have a great time.  Of course there is plenty of GREAT food and fellowship. This year again we played the The newly wed / not so newlywed game and had 7 couples play and lets just say we learned a lot about our family that maybe we didn't need to know.....hahahah  Again I want to thank God Almighty for allowing us to be able to attend this year.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Carter Family Reunion

Well still not able to upload a picture so I will still just have to describe the Carter Reunion in my own words....
James' family is a lot like the Watts', we eat, we visit, we eat, we play games, we eat, we play horseshoes...ya get the picture.
We all met at Jason and Toni Turner's house where uncle Roy has his fishing lure shop.  Before I forget, let me say....Jason and Toni, I love you guys but you had to be NUTS to have this group there....hahahah  They were great, and I believe that God allowed us to meet up with them, just to make new friends and that is what we did.  Again thank you very much for keeping us, your whole family was wonderful.  Justin and Jaylynn, you guys were to.
 The Carters unloaded on that Saturday, I would love to list them all but I would probably miss someone, but I think there were about 55 people there.  It was great.  We did get some good pictures and hopefully I will be able to upload them soon.  All of James' immediate family was there.  Justin took people on horse drawn buggy rides with BROCK!!!!, I LOVE BROCK... he is a black clysdale and he is huge and beautiful.  I would have stayed in the pasture all weekend if I could.  Even mom got in on the wagon rides.  Jason and the family had pulled a huge flatbed trailer into the yard and that was our table.  Peg and June fried fish that had been caught by Ronnie and Roy and it looked really really good.  We had enough food to feed an army.  Lucky for us we had one.  The kids played and I even got to check out all the animals.  We had babies of; lama's, rabbits, cats and I'm not sure what else.  We all talked and visited and had a great time.  It had been 2 years since James and I had been home so it was nice to be able to visit them all in one place.  James and I recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and it was nice to get to spend it with the Carters.  I thank the Lord for all his family.  We also had a little time between jobs to visit Grandma Kirkland in the nursing home.  We enjoyed being able to take his parents out to lunch not once but two times... and did a little flea marketing.  We also got to help out a little and I do mean a Big Daddys Lure shop.  I can not explain to you how much I have learned.  I know the difference between a large hammered spinner tail and a fishing pole....yep and ladies that is not an easy thing to accomplish....hahah
Again, Jason and Toni...your the best thanks again for letting us squat at your place and for hosting the reunion.
Carter's we loved seeing you all and hope that God allows us another time together soon.
Thanks to all for the was great.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Temple in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

James and I had the privilege of meeting up with our old Sunday School class from Pryor, Oklahoma in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  There we got to go to the Passion Play area where they have built a life size temple, like the one in the Bible.  There was an old Jewish pastor that gave us background information and gave us the tour.  He was wonderful, he told us how they did the sacrifices.  He explained that the priest would go to your home and pick the animal that would be the sacrifice the next year.  This animal would live in the home with you for that entire year.  Yep, even the bulls.  Then this animal would be judged when they arrived at the temple before they went into the "yard" area, if they (3 different judges) did not approve then you had no sacrifice for that year and you had to do even more for the next year, but the worst was your sins were not covered.  Then the animal was put on the wood alter like thing and it was killed and would bleed out. where all the blood was collected.  Then another "higher up" priest would take the blood into the outer area of the temple.  The priest would change clothes into an all white robe and he would pray for all of his sins to be forgiven before he would go into the inner room of the temple.  He explained that he had heard in different places that they would tie a rope around the priest incase he was struck down and killed while in the inner room, so they could pull the dead body of the priest out of the inner room.  He said that was crazy... no one ever died in the presence of the Lord in the inner room.  Anyway, this guy was great, if you ever get the chance to go listen to him, he was 86 this year and had been doing this for 22 years since it was built.  He sang, he talked, he laughed and he was just really good.  It was only $7.00. James and I drove from Memphis to Eureka Springs, 6 hrs there and 6 hrs back.  We loved it.  Sorry I can't get the pictures to work, but you get the idea...we had a great time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I'm trying...

So I have tried to send several little notes with pics, but I can't get the pics to load... I will still work on it.

James and I have started on NIGHTS.....yeah!!!!, we are in Memphis and we have 513 of 12,500 done.  So we will be starting to sleep during the days and become bats....I will keep trying to load the pics.  stay tuned.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I'm BACK!!!!

Yes, James and I are back to where we have internet and can do the blog....I hope you haven't forgotten us....

James and I  are back in Memphis, TN doing a Fed EX job.  12,500 employees and as you can guess that might take a bit of time. We will be here until the middle or end of September. 

I am hoping that this is a beginning of several updates.  I am going to let you know where we have been then hopefully I will be able to keep this more updated.  I know have a hotspot.
Talk to you soon.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Natural Tunnel, Tupelo and new camper

Yep we are still here.... James and I have been several places since my last blog but we have not had very good internet so I couldn't upload any pictures.  SORRY!!!!! we have missed you all.  We have been to several parks and lots of jobs.  We are presently in Tennessee getting ready to be in Memphis for 3 months.  Yep we have 12,000 employees to test for one company.  BUSY!!!!! Our hours will be mostly nights so that will be fun.  I guess our most exciting thing well at least for us has been we bought a brand new camper.  Yep, we are high fulutin' folks now.  Our house not only has wheels but it has an electric awning!!! Woo Hoo!!!!  We miss you all but this is still the best job!!!  So be  happy for us.  We will have a 3 week "vacation" this year... that still seems funny to me.  Anyway that will be around the middle of September to the 14th of October.  We will be in Ohio.  Then we will be back for 2 weeks at Christmas.  Here are some pics....please excuse the mask, due to my allergies, I am having to wear a mask when outdoors.  This starts at Natural tunnel State Park in Virginia.

Hello Tupelo, here we come....

I had to put this one I told James it looks like a shadow crossing in front of me. 

This is the house that Elvis was born in  it is a little wider than our new camper but that is about it.

This is the church that he started in.

Here is the new camper.... I will send pics later of the inside.  Just know that it is SWEET!!!!!