Sunday, December 11, 2011

Glasglow cont

Had a problem with the video upload here is Alyissa....I hope.

First Church of the Nazarene in Glasgow Kentucky

Well James and I again have been blessed by God.  When we go to a new town and we are looking for a church we try a couple of things.  1.  We check out the GPS and 2 we check out the phone book.  Well we used a little bit of both for the church we attended this morning.  The SS class was great we studied in the book of 1st John.  Karen our teacher was very knowledgable and extremely nice.  During the service Katy a nice lady played the harp.  Isn't that a wonderful sound.  Anyway we could just feel the Holy Spirit as soon as we walked in the door.  Afterwards Pastor David and his wife Susan and a lovely young lady Alyissa ( their daughter) along with a nice man Glen invited us to lunch.  We had a wonderful visit at Shoney's.  Well here is some photo's and Alyissa sang a fabulous song for me that I recorded.  Hopefully the sound and her words come thru.  If not it is about a cow to the tune of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.  It amazed James and  I every time we participate in a service that we feel like we are setting with family.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

First Church of the Nazarene Corbin, Ky

I was not going to put this in our blog but Reverand Young called us and wanted us to know how GOD works.  He explained that God uses all kinds of situations and all kinds of people to do His work.  He wanted us to know that we had been used by God.  So here is what Rev. Young told us on Monday Dec 5, 2011.
For those of you that may not know it when James and I began this job we were trying to figure out what to do with our tithing money.  We had several ideas and several different things we tried.  We finally settled on  taking the money and putting onto gift cards and when we go to a church on Sunday we ask the pastor who he feels like would be standing in need of the card the most.  Every Sunday, each pastor has a name come to him before I can finish the question.  When he gives us the name , we write it on the envelope and as we are leaving the church after service I walk up to the person and tell them that I was ask to give this to them.  Then I walk away and go straight to the truck so they really don't have time to understand what it is before we are gone.  Just like all the other Sunday's Reverand Young told us the story of Beth, (the stories of the lives are usually heartbreaking) she had I believe 2 kids and several things had happened in her life and she was the name that God laid on his heart.  So I handed her the card and told her I was asked to give this to her.  She said, "Oh, we have secrets floating around church this morning."  I walked away as she was saying this.  We didn't know alot about Beth at that time.  Then the call from Rev. Young, on Monday.  He said that Beth had come up to him after church and asked who told us about her needs?  The Rev.  said that no one had told them anything.  She said that this morning we didn't have anything in the house to eat.  There was no food in the house.  Her and her kids came to church because she new that they usually have donuts in the classrooms and at least the kids could get a donut.  Then as the service was over she was handed this card.  She told the revernd that they never go to Wal Mart on Sunday because it is so busy and they never have a lot of money, but because of this gift card she was able to go to Wal Mart after church and buy some milk and some groceries.  As she was standing infront of the milk, decieding what to get an older man walked up to her, this was no one that she had ever met before and he handed her money and said that she would need it for her bills this month.  She told Revernd Young that this morning before she came to church she had no food in the house and she was behind on her bills by $676.00 and now after God provided a card and a man at Wal Mart, she wa only $76.00  behind on her bills and she told him that they could come up with $76.00. 
Reverend Young wanted us to know that God used us to get her children fed and to get her to the place in time that God provided for her other needs.  After this call, you can imagine, I was balling and was so thankful that God allowed us to be part of His plan.  Remember sometimes when you follow God's plan for your life you really have no idea how He may use it to show His love to another, years, days or even minutes down the road.  James and I pray everyday that God keeps us within the guidelines of His will, that we do what He has called us to do, no matter what this is.

Granny Doris

Well after James and I went to Dinasour World we stopped off at this little store that we decieded that if they didn't have at least one of them, then that item was not made... There was a little lady working that was up in years and she was very nice.  She was asking me about our job and we started talking and I explained the God has blessed us so much with this job.  After a few minutes I started walking around the store again and she came and found me off in a corner.  She was almost in tears, she said that I had inspired her to start going back to church.  She told me that she could feel the Holy Spirit in me and she was inspired to try again.  She explained that she was Pentecostal and I told her I was like Mark Lowery, he said that he didn't care if you got sprinkled or if you got dunked if you were saved by Jesus Christ and believed  that he died on a cross and rose again in 3 days then we were family.  She was so sweet to say all of those things.  We talked for a while longer and she went back to work.  As I was walking around I saw a really nice guitar in a case and I was checking it out and was strumming and singing really quietly.  Later I got a walking stick and the man that worked there told me he would give me a discount if I sang that sound a little louder.... We I got that guitar and sang Rise Again, which is Granny Rowe's favorite song.  He was true to his word, he took off another $4.00.  We all laughed when I explained that was the most money I had ever made for my singing..... It was nice.  The little lady's name was Doris, but she said to call her Granny every one did.  So here is Granny Doris and the little store where I made $4.00 singing Rise Again.

12-10-11 Cave City, Ky

Well James and I had another Blessed day.... we got up and went over to the Dinasour World in Cave City, Ky exit 53 on I65.  They have over 100 life size dino's!!!!!! It was GREAT!!!! Here are some pics.  Have I mentioned that God has blessed us soooooo much with this job?  He is AMAZING!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

catch up AGAIN!

My baby turned 21 years old...ok when am I suppose to be OK with THIS??????

We made it home for Thanksgiving and we got to spend some time with one of my bests friends in the world...Lori and the family.  We have know each other since we were 10 years old and she still puts up with me...I know hard to believe but she is a strong woman....

We got to play with Brylyn, my Great Nephew...He turns 1 year old on December the 8th.  He is a cutie!!!!

He thinks Uncle James is a HOOT!!!!

Visited a church I use to attend in College.  Martin Branch Free Will Baptist church, Pastor at the time was Buddy Jones.  I loved this church this was the wall behind the pulpit, the wall where the guitar is leaning is the baptistry.  It was a beautiful church.  This is where I started my first choir.  We had a great time.

This may be a repeat if so I am sorry, but we worked at an instrument factory, they made flutes, and all the woodwinds at one company and all the brass at the next building.  It was AMAZING!!!! I could have stayed there for a little bit longer....

Visited Curwood Castle and walking bridge, it was a beautiful day.  This was between jobs, I can't tell you how blessed we are to have this job.  It is true...God will provide.  We as humans have a hard time with 4 letter words.... wait, stop, obey, hush...think about it if we could pull off a few 4 letter words just think how much better our world would be.
Well here is a bit of an update I have missed several things and I appologize for not staying more updated for you.  Please note that it is not because I don't want to it is because GOD has us on another adventure.  STAY TUNED!!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Catch UP

Well I am sorry it has been a while since I caught you up to where we are and what we have done.  IT HAS BEEN BUSY!!!!!   So here is a catch up. Up at the top we stopped at a castle in Michigan and it was really cool, the bridge outside was also with it.  We also stopped at one of the coolest museums, The Michigan Library and Historical Museum.  THat is the next set of pics.  This was so neat as you can see in the pics.  We have been to some VERY NICE CHURCHES and the people have been so nice.  We have got to see God work some miracles.  We have eaten at some really cool resturants  like the 50's one called Sidekicks.  And then we had a great day on the Little River Railroad, it is a 100 year old steam engine that takes you on day runs and we could pick a pumpkin it was great as you can see James is always good for a photograph.  We met some really nice people on the train but to watch James was the best, he had never been on a train and for it to be a steam engine he was thrilled.  We are in Kentucky now and on our way to listen to Buddy Jones preach, for those who may not know who he is he was my pastor 100 years ago and he has been blessed with his preaching and in his family life.  He has been healed from Luekemia and was given up to die, but now is back in the pulpit. PRAISE GOD!!!! So James and I will move on down the road and pray that you and your family is within the guidlines of God's will, just as we are trying to do the same.
Miss you all and see you at Christmas...