Friday, April 12, 2013

I'm still standing!!!!!

I AM SO SORRY....I have not talked to you since before Christmas.... I AM SORRY....

Well here is a catch up..
Christmas was GREAT, we really miss our family when we are on the road, we love this job and we are so very blessed to have this job so you can see the problem. 

Our job is laid out like this...  we go on the road after Christmas and the next time we are scheduled to be "home" is in Sepetember of this year because that is our scheduled vacation time for this year.  We get three weeks off but we have to take it at one time.  So this year we picked September because that is when our neice is due to have her second child and she wanted me to be in the delivery room with her.  When my sister died, I was with Kelcy when Brylyn was born and I guess I did ok, cause she asked me to be there again.    Anyway after vacation we always get two weeks off at Christmas.  If we are in the area we can go home for the weekend but if we aren't close then we don't see them for several months.

So now we are on the road and we are in Carrollton, Georgia.  We have been to North Carolina, South Carolina, Birmingham, Alabama and back to Georgia.  We have been busy.  We have enjoyed it as usual.  We have met so many nice people and we have participated in some of the best church services.  Just here in Waco, Georgia we have been privileged to attend the same church for 5 Sundays in a row.  That is amazing for us.  So we were happy to particpate in the sunrise service at Easter and the choir here was wonderful.  We have made several friends at the church and also at the job we are working on . 

As for back at home... Savannah is doing good, starting Monday April 15th, she and I are opening a cake shop in McGuffey, Ohio called... Savannah's Cakes your way!  I am the silent partner and Savannah is doing all the hard work.  She will do wedding, sheet, 3d and customized cakes.  She is so excited and we are happy for her.  We ask that all our friends to pray for her, specifically that this is the path that the Lord wants her to be heading.  Her and Bobby (the boyfriend) are doing well, I think he is actually going to make a website for her (I'll let you know).
Mom and Dad are doing very well, dad just got a hearing aide a couple weeks ago and I think it is going well.  The biggest news is that my dad at 73 years old was saved and baptised about 3 weeks ago.  PRAISE THE LORD!!! 

Well here are some pics and I will try to stay up with this a little better....  Thanks for all who read this and if you ever want to contact us you can email us at

Me and my great nephew Brylyn

Christmas at Granny Rowe's Savannah, Cody and Ryan

Granny Rowe age 89 and Jaxson age 6months oldest and youngest

Little Christmas Tree on the patio

Me and Jr and Lucy the cats paws on my throat...his favorite position.

Me and great nephew Jaxson, is he adorable or what????

My dad being baptized, Left is dad's brother, Tracy, my brother and Dave the pastor

Here is Savannah's sign, we had just got it... exciting times.
Well hopefully this updates you for a while, until we see ya, may the Lord bless and keep you...

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