Monday, July 23, 2012

Good friends in Madawaska

James and I just got home from dinner and fellowship at Brian and Wendy's house.  We met them at church yesterday and they were gracious enough to invite us to their home for dinner.  We were more than happy to come.  You have met so many wonderful people at churches all over the east coast.  This is the first couple that has been brave enough to invite us home.... hahahah  We had a wonderful time, they have 2 daughters that were at camp and Liam who was there.  Brian's dad was also there and he is a very nice man, we could see where Brian gets his hospitality from.  Oh, yeah we don't want to forget the animals....2 cats and Rookie, the dog.  The whole family is just precious, they represent the Lord very well, with their servants heart.  Chcck out the pics..  Again Wendy, Brian and Liam... thanks so much we are thrilled to have you as our friends. 

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