Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Niagra Falls

Well our company has seen fit to rotate us out to the central part of these United States, so we are working our way over to Missouri, Kansas, Illinois and where ever else they want to send us.  This is a good thing.  The traffic on the east coast is brutal and my favorite husband has just about had all the fun he can take.  We have enjoyed the east coast as you can see from the blog but it will be nice to slow the pace a bit.  So for the next week or so we worked around the state of New York.  One of the places was Tonawanda, NY.  That is about 30 minutes from Niagra Falls.  For those of you that have never been to the falls let me tell you.  It's beautiful, is amazing, it wonderful....but after about a half hour of that you realize its alot of water falling over a cliff.  So someone else figured this out well a bunch of someones and on the Canadian side of the falls (best view of the falls) they have built up the city that is in walking distance of the falls.  There is shopping, wax museum, Hard Rock Cafe and lots lots more.  James and I only had a couple of hours so we just checked out the "main attraction" and then headed back to the US.  All went very well crossing the boarder into Canada but then on the way back.... not so much.  James' drivers license flagged the border patrol that his name was also the same name of a fugitive.  Now the bad guy was older than James (ten years) the birthdates were different, the names were close (different middle initial) but most of all the bad guy was BLACK!!! Ok I am not a genius but my husband is about as hill billy as you can get not to mention....HE IS WHITE!!!! and in James' case very very white.  Anyway it took them 1 1/2 hours to decide that he was not the bad guy and they sent us on our way.  It is funny... now... hahah.  Enjoy the pics.


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