Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lighthouse Church of the Nazarene Moravia, Iowa

Well again God has lead us to some of the nicest brother's and sister's.  Both services today were spent at the Lighthouse church of Nazarene in Moravia.  This morning we  went into the Sunday School class of the pastors (they chose it for us...hahahah) Class was good, I cried, but for some of you, you will know that is not unusal, cause I do that alot when I an at church.  Anyway, for all our friends that we have met and all our family and home church's in Ohio and Oklahoma we ALL need to pray for one another, because all over we have brother's and sister's in other places that need our prayers.  Pastor Terry Chapman today said something that is very true..."People don't care how much you know UNTIL they know how much you care."  That is so true, and we should always remember that no matter what church we are in as long as the Lord, God Almighty is our Father and we believe in a resurrected Savior, then we are ALL brother and sister's and we should be able to step in and feel just like we are at our home church.  Tonight they had a testimony service and we LOVE those, not because we have the opportunity to praise God for ALL He has done for us but because we get to hear all the things that God has done for my brother's and sister's because no matter where we live we ALL need God's help to survive this world and we all need all the encouragement we can get.  Again, we enjoyed ourselves and even the over 60 year's old group invited us to stay for snacks after service, even though we weren't over 60 years old.  That was a wonderful fellowship.... them over 60's people can cook......  again thank you again for making us feel welcome..... we will keep praying.  Oh yeah, we heard of another answered prayer while we were there a 9year old girl had fallen off of a horse today and they were thinking they were going to have to take her to DesMoines to the hospital.  We had prayer for her and another man for surgery.(We don't need their names, God knows every hair on their heads)  We prayed for them and when we were talking to the pastor and his wife after service a lady came up and told us that 6:20pm  (just as we were praying) the doctor's came in and told them that she has a concussion but that she will NOT have to go to DesMoines, and that she would be ok.... Again, God is on the throne and He is still listening to our prayers.  Praise God!!!!
God bless you,

James and TJ

Pancake Day and Parade in Centerville, Iowa

Saturday James and I was roaming around and we went to  the square in Centerville, Iowa they were having the annual Pancake Day.  There was food and crafts and dancing and even ELVIS made an apperance, I think pictures are worth a thousand words.  So here are some for you.  Thanks for checking out the blog....

Hello Dubuque!!!

Well we have made it to IOWA!!!! I was suprised how pretty this state is.  The rolling hills and all the corn fields.  We crossed over the bridge into Iowa and had a dinner at a great place called "Gurts" it was in Galena, just across the river from Dubuque.  It was  colorful and we got to read the walls, yep the walls there was saying all over all the walls.  We talked to a friend of ours from Oklahoma, Mark M. we hadn't talked to him for  a long time and it was great to hear from him.  The job was in pretty easy, the people were nice and it flowed pretty well.  Didn't have a lot of time to take a lot of pics.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weekend in Rockford

Well James and I got to spend last weekend in Rockford, Illinios.  That is where the home base for the company that we work for is.  We had a GREAT time we went to the Burpee Natural History Museum.  They have a  T-Rex named Jane there and she is amazing!  I of course took several pics but I have only put a few in for this blog.  THey were also having a art fair and we took a gander in there..... figured out  pretty quick this bunch of hillbillies was out of our enviroment...hahahah  We headed to the county and went on a 5 hour GARAGE SALE!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! we had a great time.  I will tell you that I got to of the hardest people to buy for Christmas D-O-N-E!!!! yep!!! done.  I am so happy with my self..... So Marianna and Ciarra you are the first ones to click off of the "Santa List".  Well got to visit another wonderful church.  The Samuelson Road Church of the Nazarene.  That was a wonderful bunch of people.  The pastor challenged all of us to read more in our Bible, he gave us a pamphlet that you gives you a list of passages for 40 days.  The pamphlet has 40 cut outs and when you read that days passages then you pop them out.  James and I are going to do them during our lunch.  We normally eat in the trailor that we drive around in unless we have  a really long break.  I am going to try to remember to take some pics of the trailor soon.  Well enjoy the pics of the museum.
Later and God bless you,

James and TJ

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunday AM at McGuffey Free Will Baptist Church

OH has God Almighty blessed us AGAIN!!!!!, This Sunday I went to the church I grew up in.  McGuffey FWB church, my family had gone to this church forever.  Well at least MY forever.....  As far back as I can remember Tolliver has sung on Sunday's and for a long time Emma has been singing.  My favorite song from both of these wonderful people was sung this past Sunday.  I asked them to sing part of my favorite song so I could put it on the blog.  I was very thankful that they agreed.  Service this Sunday was very interesting as it usually is when Dave preaches. Dave spoke on the woman that was caught in the act of adultry, one of the questions that was brought up was, "Why was not the man also brought to be judged by Jesus?"  Goooooood question, I have thought this before as well.  It wasn't about the sin that was commited it was about tripping Jesus up in his decision of this woman.  Jesus wrote in the dirt when they brought her to him, thinking they would be able to stone this woman but Jesus ignored them.  Dave also mentioned that God had written the Ten Commandments on the stones with his finger for us.  When Jesus was again asked what to do, Jesus did again what they did not think.  Because He knew that ALL of her accusers had sinned so they could not stone her without understanding they should be stoned as well.  It was a great service and I believe they are having a special speaker in a couple of Sundays.... if you are reading this and want to come visit just  show up on Sunday at 10:30am for church ANYTIME, and they will be happy to give you the schedule.  Well I hope you enjoy these two clips, I know I love them.  By the way...Emma is like 92 years old and sings every Sunday.... she is very blessed..... and I thank God Almighty for the church that I was baptised and grew up in. 
God Bless you all

Hardin County Fair!!!!!

Well James and I got home this weekend again and we were very thankful, I LOVE THE HARDIN COUNTY FAIR!!!!! James had never been so he was in for a treat.  We didn't get to stay long but we did get to go to the rodeo with mom and dad.  It was great.  We also got to find Jackie and Jeff's benches.  If you have never been there let me explain the "benches".  If you have a loved one that has passed away or if you want to buy one for someone that is alive I guess you can but we have "In memory" benches.  My brother Jeff was killed on November 14, 2005 and my sister Jackie died on April 16, 2010.  So we got the two benches for them.  Each year they put the benches out for preople to sit on, so James and I  walked around until we found their benches.  So you get to see them also.  I hope you enjoy the rodeo clips also. 
May God bless you,


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ohio home church

Well we got a weekend home....yeah!!!!  We miss everyone alot but we really enjoy our job.  James and I got to go to our home church in Ohio.  The Kenton Nazarene church, with our pastor Dave Dooley and his lovely bride Brittany.  James and I love to call them "The kids" because they look like they are about 12 years old.  His message allowed God to speak to James and I both and we felt there were things that we are going to work on.  It is amazing where God sends information to you when you are listening.  We are always saying that we really don't need a flashing neon light  from God but sometimes that is what it takes to get our attention.  There are so many people that we got to see while we were home and we enjoy seeing them all.  We got to go see Patty, one of my best friends that had a massive heart attack several months ago and was unconcious (spelling looks bad, sorry) anyway, then God decieded one day a few weeks ago that He had more for her to do.  Patty is able to walk across the room and talk and she is doing so good, it can only be GOD!!!! He amazes me daily and I know why.... because we prayed for this very thing and it amazes me how shallow we are..... we are as bad as the children in Egypt.  We don't trust God, no matter how many times He brings us thru and yet we can't learn.... HE IS GOD!!!!!! He can do ANYTHING!!!!!.  Then I got to have breakfast with a friend from HMH, Jennifer.  She is so sweet... because time was short, she set with my at the laundromat while finished our laundry and visited with me.  No, that is a friend......We did get to see the family also that is always nice.  Well we are back to work, if that is what you want to call it.  We are in Kentucky for a few days.  We are suppose to be back this weekend and we move on after that.  Well I ahve put some pics up and I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.  until next time....... TJ
PS: pics from top to bottom:  church sign, church front stage/ pulpit, the actual seats, me and Renee, me and Amy, then the "kids" Pastor Dave and his wife, Brittinay