Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weekend in Rockford

Well James and I got to spend last weekend in Rockford, Illinios.  That is where the home base for the company that we work for is.  We had a GREAT time we went to the Burpee Natural History Museum.  They have a  T-Rex named Jane there and she is amazing!  I of course took several pics but I have only put a few in for this blog.  THey were also having a art fair and we took a gander in there..... figured out  pretty quick this bunch of hillbillies was out of our enviroment...hahahah  We headed to the county and went on a 5 hour GARAGE SALE!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! we had a great time.  I will tell you that I got to of the hardest people to buy for Christmas D-O-N-E!!!! yep!!! done.  I am so happy with my self..... So Marianna and Ciarra you are the first ones to click off of the "Santa List".  Well got to visit another wonderful church.  The Samuelson Road Church of the Nazarene.  That was a wonderful bunch of people.  The pastor challenged all of us to read more in our Bible, he gave us a pamphlet that you gives you a list of passages for 40 days.  The pamphlet has 40 cut outs and when you read that days passages then you pop them out.  James and I are going to do them during our lunch.  We normally eat in the trailor that we drive around in unless we have  a really long break.  I am going to try to remember to take some pics of the trailor soon.  Well enjoy the pics of the museum.
Later and God bless you,

James and TJ

1 comment:

  1. Cool Museum!!!

    Next time you head to Cincy. We have tickets you can borrow to go to Creation Museum too.
    Or did you already see that one? LOL
