Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Beginnings church again May 2012

Well James and I found ourselves back in Edison, NJ.  We love this place.  So we have gone to New Beginnings a couple of times and we feel right at home there.  It is always nice to go home for church.  Anyway, the service was wonderful as usual and again the peole were just as nice.  Here are a couple of pics I will try to get the video to load but sometimes it is stubborn.  We met a lovely couple Dexter and Ronna, they have the cuties little girl and I want to send pics of her but I am going to wait for Dexter to send me copies of his pics because ours came out blurry.  (We have a really smart phone but I guess it isn't quite as smart as we need it to be...hahah) Anyway, Dexter please email me at my personal email. so I can put Keila's pic up.  Trust me people keep an eye out for Dexter, Ronna and Keila's pics, it is gonna be worth it.

Hudson New York

Ok so last week we were in New York State at Hudson.  This is the Norman Rockwell picture of a small town.  It is so cute and the people are nice and layed back.  We walked around town because our hotel was in the center of town in the park.  Yep in the park.  The park is the square and the hotel is one side of the park.  In the middle of the park is some RR tracks.  We figured they were an old set and didn't think much about it.  So we mosied on down to a hardware store that was older then dirt and there was the owner sitting in there visiting with a man, but this hardware man was in a dress shirt and tie???? Strange, well we started talking to him and he was also an attorney for the town.  He was working on his law practice in the back of the store.  The store was opened in the late 1700's and he told us the history and showed us pictures and gave us a tour.  There were 6 floors to the building and it had an old wooden freigt elevator that used a counter balance to work.  It was great! So while we were there he  told us the story of the train and about that time he said it still came thru the middle of town.  I was amazed that it was used.  In about 30 minutes sure enough here came the train.  People walked over the tracks in the middle of the park one minute and then waited for this huge train to run thru and life would resume again as normal.  It was kind of like watching an older person talk when they loose there train of thought (no pun intended) and they pause to remember and then start right back up again.  Life just started right back up again when the train finished going thru the park.

Virginia Aquarium

Well while in Virginia we got to go to the Aquarium, outside before you go in there is a tank that has seals just playing around.  They have a cool shark tank and really the whole thing is GREAT!!!! If you ever get the chance to go..DO IT!!! Give youself about 3-4 hours so you can do all the fun things.  It is very kid friendly.  Check out the pics.

Norfolk Naval Base

I would love to show you a bunch of pics from the Naval base but go figure they would only let us take a couple.  But we got to see alot of the base it is the largest one in the United States.  There were people on our bus that actually worked and lived on the base that didn't even know that some of the places we visited were even on the base.  Needless to say....its big.  We got to see the carrier ships and about 10 more that were docked.  It is amazing how big these things are.  We had a great time but I guess you will have to take my word or it.... I hope that means something to someone out there....hahah
This is a tunnel that we went thru on our way to the base.  It goes under the water for about 2-3 miles.  Eat up with cool.

Morning Star Baptist church, Virginia

Well I have to tell you when God leads you to a church no matter the reason, remember that He has a reason.  This church we saw on a couple of different days on our way to work.....I know you are shocked that we work....(we use the word loosely).  Anyway this was a wonderful bunch of people.  We were obviously do I know that well we were the only white anything in this church.  We kinda stuck out....hahahah Like I was saying God has a plan for my life and that means every minute of my life.  AWSOME!!!!Anyway we had been there for a couple of hours and they asked if I had anything to say....well I told them I was just waiting for someone to ask.  I explained what we do and that I feel like God is opening up some doors for me to speak on his behalf.  Anyway more on that later.  Here are a couple of pics not many because I got wrapped up in the service and forgot.  Happen to you?  Happened to me.  So enjoy.

Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Ok so you can see we have changed states and actually this was 2 states in the middle there but this was our first time to work in Virginia.  We actally had 4 days in Virginia from the job and also the weekend.  We made our first stop to Colonial Williamsburg.  There is to much to write but here is the jist of it.  We went thru the Gov. Mansion, the town which is really a real town, its not like this is an area that they put some things that looked like the colonial times.  This is where it really happened.  The courthouse is there, the stores the houses are all real.  Down in the town you can not use anything that would not have been from the period.  They take you back to just a few days before the Declaration of Independence was signed.  There are horse drawn carriages, but most people just walk.  If you get tired and are ready to leave you can walk just past the village and catch a bus back to the beginning.  It is amazing.  All the people are in character and the shops are working just like the 18th century.  So here is some pics, but I suggest you go yourself if you ever get the chance.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More of Maryland

So we also did several other things of course but here are a few pics and I am going to try to upload a video.
This is a hardware store that we could hardly walk thru.  James had a BLAST.

This bridge was cool.

This group was just playing in a hole in the wall at a flea market.  They were great.

Fun stops in Maryland

Ok here are just a few stops we made in Maryland.
Here is a kids group playing in a mall that we went to check out.  See if you can figure out the song.  If you know me you will be able to figure it out.

Mt. Calvary Free Will Baptist church

This is the church we attended a couple of Sunday's ago.  Mt. Calvary Baptist church in Havre de Grace, Maryland.  We had a wonderful service and the pastor had been sick all week, like crazy sick but he did a wonderful job.  We met several nice people and got a pic of his family. 

Patuxent River Naval Base

OK, DON'T HATE ME?????  I am so sorry, we have been very busy and blogging has had to go on a back burner.  Sooooo that means you get to see all the updates, so here is the first one.
James and I worked at the Naval Base in Patuxent River, Maryland.  I can't show you much but it was a wonderful time.  We were right on the ocean and I mean right on....also check out the size of the hanger we were working beside. 
Ok, James is standing in the center of the trailor.

That is the ocean in the distance of the pic and I am standing outside our door.