Sunday, May 27, 2012

Norfolk Naval Base

I would love to show you a bunch of pics from the Naval base but go figure they would only let us take a couple.  But we got to see alot of the base it is the largest one in the United States.  There were people on our bus that actually worked and lived on the base that didn't even know that some of the places we visited were even on the base.  Needless to say....its big.  We got to see the carrier ships and about 10 more that were docked.  It is amazing how big these things are.  We had a great time but I guess you will have to take my word or it.... I hope that means something to someone out there....hahah
This is a tunnel that we went thru on our way to the base.  It goes under the water for about 2-3 miles.  Eat up with cool.

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