Sunday, May 27, 2012

Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Ok so you can see we have changed states and actually this was 2 states in the middle there but this was our first time to work in Virginia.  We actally had 4 days in Virginia from the job and also the weekend.  We made our first stop to Colonial Williamsburg.  There is to much to write but here is the jist of it.  We went thru the Gov. Mansion, the town which is really a real town, its not like this is an area that they put some things that looked like the colonial times.  This is where it really happened.  The courthouse is there, the stores the houses are all real.  Down in the town you can not use anything that would not have been from the period.  They take you back to just a few days before the Declaration of Independence was signed.  There are horse drawn carriages, but most people just walk.  If you get tired and are ready to leave you can walk just past the village and catch a bus back to the beginning.  It is amazing.  All the people are in character and the shops are working just like the 18th century.  So here is some pics, but I suggest you go yourself if you ever get the chance.

1 comment:

  1. Again I am jealous hahaha One of my places to go in my life time love you
