Monday, August 29, 2011

dinner in Danville, Kentucky

Well we are moving on the east side.......hahahahah we have driven all day and we went from Hannibal, Mo to Danville, Ky.  We made a stop to see a very important person... I can give you a hint.  He was in Santa Claus, Indiana, yep you got it... Santa Claus.  Yep, Santa Claus was really in the town Santa Claus... James and I stopped at a Christmas store and visited with Santa Claus.  It was great, check out the pics.  Then as if that was not enough, James and I came on over to Kentucky and we had the great pleasure of having dinner with my uncle and my georgeous, talented, beautiful, intelligent aunt.  (She jokingly asked me to put that) but really she is all of that and more.  I truly love these people. We went on to Danville and we are getting ready to go to work... This has been a great weekend and we are very excited about getting back to learning our job.  Well I am gonna take a nap and I will write to you soon.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday PM at Riverview Nazarene church in Hannibal, MO

Ok just when we thought we could not be blessed anymore today, James and I visited Pastor Red Haffner and the congregation at Riverview.  We met with Red before church and introduced ourselves and he invited us to testify and for me to sing.... James even went up front and testified infront of everyone.  That blessed my heart so much.  Pastor asked if I could sing a cappella and I told him all my life I have heard that we should be ready to sing or testify in any we testified and sang.... This was a service we will never soon forget.   Red was very proud of his congregation and with good reason.  He was telling us that on Tuesday nights his congregation comes to the church for Prayer Meeting...and he means PRAYER meeting.  Every Tuesday night they pray for people that is on their list.  People that are on the actual list was 4,372 that was how many on the list.  The people actually prayed, by name, 8,142.  Yes, I said EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO people.  BY NAME!!!!!!! it completely amazed James and I that this small congregation would even be able to name them in a service let alone to pray for their individual lives.  They not only pray but they call people to check on them and send cards.  This is an amazing ministry!  James and I have decided that God has been busy in  Hannibal, Mo. We will pray for these OUR brothers and sisters.  May God continue to bless HIS children.  Well James and I will be heading out in the morning at some crazy time to make it to Danville, Kentucky by tomorrow evening.  We will talk to you soon.....  All our love,  James and TJ     PS: check out the baptistry a person that goes to this church painted it!!!

Sunday AM at Hannibal Free Will Baptist Church

God has blessed us SO much.  James and I went to church this morning and we were met in Sunday School with our teacher: Mike, the class was really good one of the things that I will rememeber for a long time is: "When the devil reminds you of your PAST, remind the devil of his FUTURE"  Because as we know Jesus will prevail if you have read all the way to the end of the Bible.  Church was really nice also Pastor Rick Chapman is a pastor that will never allow his congregation to fall asleep...he is very animated and he will keep the service moving along.  We ask for prayer for our travels and we left them our blog address and hopefully they will check it out.  We had a great time with them.  Isn't it amazing how God is everywhere...even when we don't think so.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hard to belive!!!

Well we are still in Hannibal, Missouri, it just seems crazy that we are being paid to do this job.  We went down into the old part of town today.  We toured all the different places that Mark Twain grew up and walked to the top of this hill (244 steps ONE WAY!!!) to see a lighthouse.  The view was wonderful, we met a couple from New Jersey.  We all talked and laughed for a few minutes.  We took a tolley ride around the town and saw several different sights.  Where the Unsinkable Molly Brown was born.  We had a great time.  We walked over to see the trains and the Mark Twain riverboat, it is a paddle boat and it was really cool.  I took several photos of the great Mississippi River and we have met so many people aready.  We are having a great time.  We located this little train shop so we thought we would take a look it opened up to a HUGE train set up wit several tracks I thought I was going to have to drag James out of there.   If you know me you know I am not a really shy person...we say grace at every meal, no matter if we are in the hotel or in McDonalds.  Well on our first day here we were saying grace (out loud) at McDonalds and our trainers were a little put back with that.  They are not "Church people".  We are very thankful for what the Lord God Almighty has blessed us with and all the trials He has brought us thru.  We will always ask for His blessings on our life until it is no longer on this earth.  We have been praying alot for Judy (one of the trainers) her sister passed away yesterday.  She did make it there to see her before she passed but I don't think she was saved.  She has been really bad for a while but lately she went down hill fast at the end.  James and I have been praying that if she was not saved that Jesus would intervien and ask her one more time.  We also hope she took that opportunity to make it right.  Well I better stop typing, I have a date with a swimming pool.... I am telling you people this is a hard job!!!!! hahahah

Monday, August 22, 2011

K-Naz Sunday

Good morning one and all....or at this and two....(HAHAHAH I kill me!)  anyway, James and I are all packed and we leave Lima, Ohio at 1pm.  Savannah is thrilled! We had a teary moment when she presented me with a photo album of her and I, that she had made.  Church yesterday was great at Kenton Nazerene, only had one thing to say about the preacher... his list could have come about 2 weeks sooner and our decision to take this leap of faith would have been easier.  Pastor Dave gave us 9 questions to ask ourselves when we are trying to make a big decsion, I guess or a little one for that matter.  I won't give you the whole list but the one that gave me pause was the one that said if what you are doing will change your witness if front of that person or would lead them not to follow God then... don't do it.  James and I really are sad to leave this church but are thankful for all the prayers and the support they have shown us.  Our pastor in Oklahoma...Brother Thomas sure knew me well enough to tell me and James to find a pastor that is either my age or younger to be our pastor because they could "cope" better with me....not that I am a horrible person, but that I tend to lean a little bit left of certer....hahahah  (God has a sense of humor! and I pray that I keep Him laughing......

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let's get started...

Well, I guess it is time to get started.  James and I are packing up to start out new job.  We will pick up the rental car on Monday and start driving Tuesday.  Our first week of training for TK Group is in Hannible, Missouri then the second week in Florence, Kentucky.  After training is over we will go  back to Rockford, Illinois to pick up our truck and trailor and we head out on our own.  Pastor Dave from K-Naz in Kenton, Ohio is helping me to get this blogg going, probably so he won't have to babysit me anymore....hahah considering he looks to be about 12 himself.  Naw, really Dave has been a wonderful pastor and we will ALWAYS consider the K-Naz church (Kenton Nazerene) to be home for us in Ohio.  I hope to keep you updated as much as possible.  We love and miss you already, but we feel that God has led us on this path and we have prayed for God to send us when He wanted us to do something, not to send Aaron...we will do His will.