Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hard to belive!!!

Well we are still in Hannibal, Missouri, it just seems crazy that we are being paid to do this job.  We went down into the old part of town today.  We toured all the different places that Mark Twain grew up and walked to the top of this hill (244 steps ONE WAY!!!) to see a lighthouse.  The view was wonderful, we met a couple from New Jersey.  We all talked and laughed for a few minutes.  We took a tolley ride around the town and saw several different sights.  Where the Unsinkable Molly Brown was born.  We had a great time.  We walked over to see the trains and the Mark Twain riverboat, it is a paddle boat and it was really cool.  I took several photos of the great Mississippi River and we have met so many people aready.  We are having a great time.  We located this little train shop so we thought we would take a look it opened up to a HUGE train set up wit several tracks I thought I was going to have to drag James out of there.   If you know me you know I am not a really shy person...we say grace at every meal, no matter if we are in the hotel or in McDonalds.  Well on our first day here we were saying grace (out loud) at McDonalds and our trainers were a little put back with that.  They are not "Church people".  We are very thankful for what the Lord God Almighty has blessed us with and all the trials He has brought us thru.  We will always ask for His blessings on our life until it is no longer on this earth.  We have been praying alot for Judy (one of the trainers) her sister passed away yesterday.  She did make it there to see her before she passed but I don't think she was saved.  She has been really bad for a while but lately she went down hill fast at the end.  James and I have been praying that if she was not saved that Jesus would intervien and ask her one more time.  We also hope she took that opportunity to make it right.  Well I better stop typing, I have a date with a swimming pool.... I am telling you people this is a hard job!!!!! hahahah

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